Live barrel picking and interview with Wild Turkey royalty Joann Street? YES PLEASE!!
Wild Turkey’s American Whiskey Ambassador and granddaughter of bourbon legend Jimmy Russell joins us live at Beast Masters Club for an interview and barrel pick!
Live barrel picking and interview with Wild Turkey royalty Joann Street? YES PLEASE!!
Wild Turkey’s American Whiskey Ambassador and granddaughter of bourbon legend Jimmy Russell joins us live at Beast Masters Club for an interview and barrel pick!
Steve The Smoky Beast and Ben choose a private barrel of Armagnac with L’Encantada’s Vincent Cornu!
After stalking Vincent for a year and a half, we finally finagled him into coming to Beast Masters Club in NYC to do a live barrel pick of L’Encantada Armagnac. And the result was an incredible banger!
Steve The Smoky Beast and Ben joined by Joe Beatrice of Barrell Craft Spirits to share stories of barrels, bad driving, and blending!
Barrel Bourbon is where it all began. After several years, Joe Beatrice of Barrell Craft Spirits has returned to catch up with the Beast Masters. You don’t want to miss out on this episode of sharing memories of the blending process, the Kentucky lifestyle, and worshiping Cinnabon?!
Steve The Smoky Beast sits down with Jay Jadot of to talk about the meaning of life, obsession, and all things Armagnac.
Jay is a writer after our own hearts who sees the beauty, irony, idiosyncrasy, and madness of becoming obsessed with a spirit and then trying to document your experience. He's also creating one of the best references out there for all many brands, bottlers, domaines, and vintages of Armagnac. *Warning this is a pretty wonky "deep in the weeds" discussion, but for your Armaganc lovers we dive into some of our favorite bottles and share the experience of discovering a new spirit.
It's been a long while since the Beasts were able to gather in full pack formation for a live barrel picking event, but we couldn't have been happier to sit down with our guests in the new Beast Lair in NYC to pick this barrel with Knob Creek Brand Ambassador, Allie Klug.